Mirai Chain Onboarding

This document introduces Mirai Chain, an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchain, designed to facilitate seamless integration and development for stakeholders and developers within the blockchain ecosystem.

Overview of Mirai Chain

Mirai Chain is an EVM-compatible platform, enabling developers to deploy decentralized applications and smart contracts efficiently, utilizing the robustness of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Technical Specifications

Chain IDs

Mainnet Chain ID: 2718 Testnet Chain ID: 2195

Block Explorers

Mainnet Explorer: MiraiScan Mainnet: https://miraiscan.io/ Testnet Explorer: MiraiScan Testnet: https://testnet.miraiscan.io/


Mainnet RPC URLs:

Testnet RPC URLs:

Faucet Information

Testnet Faucet: Available at https://faucet.miraichain.io/

Token Mapping Information

Token Mapping: Available at https://mapper.miraichain.io/

Native Token

Token Name: Pegaxy Stone (PGX) Usage: Utilized for transaction fees, gas costs, and as network rewards.

Cross-Chain Interoperability: Bridging Assets Bridge Overview

Bridge Overview

The Mirai Chain bridge facilitates asset transfers between Mirai Chain and other blockchain networks. Available at https://bridge.miraichain.io

Depositing to Mirai Chain

Supported tokens for deposit are available at https://bridge.miraichain.io/

Withdrawing from Mirai Chain

Supported tokens for withdrawal are available at https://bridge.miraichain.io/

Contact and Technical Support

For any technical assistance or inquiries related to Mirai Chain, please contact Steve (CTO) at steve@mirailabs.co.

Last updated